Once Upon a Time

A welcome post for London Bicycle Cafe
Once upon a time, bike shops sold bicycles for sport. Every weekday, athletes who owned the bike shops sold road bikes, and mountain bikes, and track bikes to other athletes, and then they rode and competed on weekends. Then one day, ordinary people realized that bicycles could be used to get around the city quickly and safely. Because of that, the City Planners said there should be safe places to ride your bike on the streets in the city, too, and they built bike lanes on the street that were separated from cars. Because of that, the London Bicycle Café opened, and helped the ordinary people find the perfect bicycle to get around the city easily and safely with their families. Because of that, people rode their bikes more, living happier, healthier lives, while saving money because they drove their car less.
At London Bicycle Café, we create perfect transportation solutions that enable you and your family to get around the city by bike. We're excited to bring a great selection of high quality Dutch-style bikes, cargo bikes, kids bikes, and commuter bikes to Southwestern Ontario, and get you set up to ride in our urban café. Stop by for a coffee and repair while you wait. Sit on our patio and enjoy the warm sunshine. Come for a group ride, or picnic with us, and enjoy the freedom and pleasure that only a bicycle can bring. We're not a fairy tale, we're coming to Southwestern Ontario this spring, and we couldn't be more excited to serve you. Welcome to London Bicycle Café.
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