The Many New Faces of #LdnOntBike: 2019 edition
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- By Ben Cowie
- Posted in Customer Feature, New Bike Day
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Time to gather up those 2019 New Bike Day Photos!
When you buy a bike from us, one of the last things we ask you before you roll out the door is “would you like to take a photo with your new bike?” Understandably, not everyone wants to have their image published online, but many give us an enthusiastic yes! We love sharing your new bike stories, and showing that there are all kinds of different people riding bikes in our community. Thanks to all of you who have supported downtown biz in a challenging year, and especially to those who took a leap into using your bike for transportation for the first time. You rock!
As we hibernate for our annual winter break, we’ve updated our website to showcase some of the exciting new bikes coming next year, and to make it easier for you to see what we have in store. Check out the new web store here.
Our growing #Frostbike (or #VikingBiking, if you prefer) community of everyday winter riders is growing here in London, and we’re looking forward to keeping more of you on the road through the darker months this year. There’s a Facebook group, too, with lots of tips and tricks for staying warm, finding the best routes, and meeting the friendly faces you pass along the trail (who might have those faces covered by a scarf or balaclava depending on the day!). Join the group here.
Without further ado, these are the faces of ordinary Londoners who have transformed their lives in some way this past year by choosing to ride a bike more often. Thanks to all of you.
- Ben & the London Bicycle Café Team
ps - if you don’t see your photo here, please send me an email and I’ll get it up right away, or if you’d like to get a #NewBikeDay photo and didn’t get one this past season, send us a snapshot of you and your new ride and I’ll happily post to the gallery.

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